It was all

a dream.

Since I as far back I can remember baked goods have been almost like a personality trait to me lol. Around 9 years old I begged my mom for a Easy Bake Oven, I even remixed a very popular Shaggy song about it. Smuggling this oven out the house to bake for my cousins was the start of a young baker. While I started from the box cake mix and Betty Crocker icing sweets have always been apart of my love language.

Growing up I spent some summers in South Carolina with my great grandparents who were customarily makers and growers. My great grandmother Rose would make the best pound cakes and blueberry dumplings that are literally best dessert ever. My great grand father Frank who often kept cookies in his housecoat pocket (yes, you read that correctly his favorites were gingersnaps and oatmeal creme pies) was really influential to make palette and creativity. Coincidentally his nicknamed me "Milkshake", how would he know I would be making ice cream now? My

Fun Fact: Frank, my great grand father was not only a great matriarch of my family but he worked at Entenmann's factory in production in the 1970's while living in Brooklyn, NY. My family has been a big inspiration and support in my food journey.

Besides family, being a kid raised in Brooklyn has shaped my creative flow. From Bodega runs for Coconut Long Boys, bakeries in Crown Heights for currant rolls, to shaved ice from off the block, I have been transformed forever by Brooklyn. Childhood nostalgia is something I like to embody while bringing products to life.

I am a huge Hip Hop Head and I am always taking references from songs, artist, and culture. Cue the names of my cookies and ice cream flavors. My top 5 rapper roster changes year to year as I often revisit music while baking to keep going.

Rebranded in 2020 during the pandemic I wanted to bake through the chaos while my Real Estate business was reduced significantly. Right now Real Butter BK is still a small baby and I looking forward to what this can become. I am grateful for all MY BUTTER BABIES near and far that have continued to support the movement.

xoxo -SHAY